To Hannah Grace Frances (from your Daddy),

I miss you princess. Today was five months since you left us to be with your heavenly Daddy. Every passing month gets harder, as we get further and further away from our time holding you and our memories with you. We will always remember you, but I feel more distant from you with each passing day. Why do I have to wait so long to hear your beautiful voice and see your pretty face again?
Yesterday I cried thinking of you when listening to a song in the car. The song said “I am going to be someone”. I thought “who am I?” Somehow I didn’t really know, and I wasn’t sure why. I felt empty and without purpose. Although things were going well that day, I didn’t know who I was, or where I was heading. I realised that the person I had planned to be over the past year was a Dad - your Dad. And without that, a huge part of who I am (or am meant to be) has been taken away from me.
But my Daddy in heaven is teaching me that who I am is more than just a Dad. I am a husband, a son, a brother and a friend. I am also still your Dad, even though I have to wait to hold you again. And even more than all of these, I am a child of the most incredible Daddy – our Father in heaven who you are with and who I can’t wait to meet.

God, please continue to look after my darling princess till I can see her again.